Leadership Team

Patrick Taylor
Company Commander
CDT Taylor is a third year studying Public Policy and Spanish. He has participated in the Army Ten Miler and many Color Guards during his time in ROTC. Outside of the program, he enjoys playing intramural broom ball, football, and volleyball.
RSO President & Primary Contact:

Jack Ogle
Company First Sergeant
CDT Ogle is a third-year economics major with a specialization in data science. CDT Ogle has worked with economics professor John List as a research assistant. He worked on a few projects include the Chicago Heights (CHECC) study. He enjoys economics and game theory. Last summer, CDT Merril and CDT Ogle founded a start-up called Pollinate that specializes in motivating students with economic incentives.

Lola Fisher
Platoon Leader
CDT Fisher is a third-year majoring in Political Science and East Asian Languages & Civilizations. She works as a research assistant at the Chicago Project on Security and Threats, a UChicago-based politics and security research center. Her favorite place on campus is the Reg, and her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch the Bachelor franchise.

David Jaffe
Platoon Sergeant
CDT Jaffe is a third year majoring in Economics and REES. His hobbies include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, scuba diving, philanthropy, and exploring nature (such as hiking). He also likes anything to do with challenging himself, such as the oil rig he worked on a couple of years ago. Last summer, CDT Jaffe got back into Jiu-Jitsu and helped teacher children at his local Jiu-Jitsu academy

Will Huang
1st Squad Leader
Bio Coming soon!

Jonathan Merril
2nd Squad Leader
Bio coming soon!